(FILMAFFINITY) Premios 2013: Premios del Cine Europeo: Nominada a Mejor comedia y premio del público 2013: Premios Goya: Nominada a mejor vestuario 2013: Premios Feroz: Mejor tráiler. 5 Nom., incluyendo mejor actor de reparto Críticas Mostrar 17 críticas más Tu crítica Votaciones de almas gemelas Regístrate y podrás acceder a recomendaciones personalizadas según tus gustos de cine Votaciones de tus amigos Regístrate y podrás acceder a todas las votaciones de tus amigos, familiares, etc. Si alguna sinopsis cuenta demasiados detalles del argumento -o para corregir errores o completar datos de la ficha o fecha de estreno- puedes mandarnos un mensaje. Si no estás registrad@ puedes contactarnos vía Twitter, FB o por email a info -arroba- filmaffinity -punto- com. Los derechos de propiedad intelectual de las críticas corresponden a los correspondientes críticos y/o medios de comunicación de los que han sido extraídos. Filmaffinity no tiene relación alguna con el productor, productora o el director de la película.

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The king and queen tell the public they do not know the gender of their baby and keep all possible names secret, even from their family. Richard's previously villainous cousin, Simon, who is still trying to earn his family's trust again, reveals he invited Melissa, Amber's close friend, to Aldovia for Christmas. Melissa tells the family she and Simon are in love, much to everyone's surprise. Amber and Richard then prepare for the practise of the sacred signing of the treaty which honours the peace found between Aldovia and their greatest ally, Penglia. Mr. Little begins by explaining that Prince Jun of Penglia and Prince Claude of Aldovia found a way to end the long drawn out war between the 2 nations. On Christmas Eve 1419 both rulers signed the treaty. It has been renewed every 100 years since. Amber is excited to be the first Aldovian queen to sign it but the others tell her the Penglians are very traditional and female monarchs haven't been permitted to sign the treaty since its creation.

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Sinopsis: Cuando Tsanko Petrov, un trabajador del ferrocarril, se encuentra un millón de levs en las vías del tren, decide devolver la totalidad del importe a la policía. Agradecido, el estado le recompensa con un nuevo reloj de pulsera, que pronto deja de funcionar. Mientras tanto, Julia Staikova, jefa de relaciones públicas del Ministerio de Transporte, pierde el viejo reloj de Tsanko. Aquí comienza su lucha desesperada para que le devuelvan no solo su viejo reloj, sino también su dignidad.

Frank Matano: età 29 anni, altezza 188 cm, è il veterano del gruppo, il 2020, sarà la sua quinta edizione come giudice. La new entry Joe Bastianich: età 50 anni, altezza 185 cm, ex giudice di Masterchef, approderà a IGT per una nuova avventura. Federica Pellegrini età 31 anni altezza 179 cm, neo vincitrice della sua 4a medaglia d'oro nei 200 stile libero ai mondiali di nuoto in Corea del Sud, è al suo secondo anno di partecipazione a IGT. Italia's Got Talent casting 2020 quando inizia su Tv8? Italia's Got Talent 2020 quando in onda su TV8? La nuova edizione del talent show di Italia's Got Talent 2020 andrà in onda in prima serata su TV8 la prossima primavera. Dove rivedere le puntate Italia's got talent in streaming? Tutti i video delle passate edizioni di IGT, possono essere riviste in streaming tramite il sito ufficiale del programma: Italia's got talent streaming puntate e finale. Italia's got talent come partecipare: Per partecipare alle selezioni e ai casting di Italia's Got talent è sufficiente compilare il form presente sul sito ufficiale della trasmissione televisiva, con i propri dati personali, caricare un video della propria esibizione e indicare se e a quali programmi tv si è già partecipato, sarà poi compito della redazione contattare il candidato e convocarlo per l'audizione e il provino: Form Italia's Got Talent casting 2020.

NORTHERN LIGHTS Nora Roberts BOOK DESCRIPTION: Lunacy was Nate Burke's last chance. As a Baltimore cop, he'd watched his partner die on the street-and the guilt still haunts him. With nowhere else to go, he accepts the job as Chief of Police in this tiny, remote Alaskan town. Aside from sorting out a run-in between a couple of motor vehicles and a moose, he finds his first weeks on the job are relatively quiet. But just as he wonders whether this has been all a big mistake, an unexpected kiss on New Year's Eve under the brilliant Northern Lights of the Alaska sky lifts his spirit and convinces him to stay just a little longer. Meg Galloway, born and raised in Lunacy, is used to being alone. She was a young girl when her father disappeared, and she has learned to be independent, flying her small plane, living on the outskirts of town with just her huskies for company. After her New Year's kiss with the Chief of Police, she allows herself to give in to passion-while remaining determined to keep things as simple as possible.