Both my DR. and endocrinologist do not think this is the cause of my weight gain as I have been on it for so long and have lost weight on it before. I also take Align for my digestive health. - Medical: As of November 2020 I am still on burnout and plan to be until at least the new year (the job really took its toll on me). However, I see a psychologist 1x week. I also do activities that I enjoy in order to find a greater purpose for my life / destress. - Workouts: I recently got a treadmill and run 20min/day 5x week and walk 20min/day 5x week. I also am almost always on my feet during the day and walk a lot (I get at least 10k steps a day - and it has been this way since lockdown). I also use resistance bands to "tone" although this hasn't helped me at all. I don't enjoy weights and really love cardio. I also have not had any success in the multiple times that I added weight training to my routine so I just really don't want to hear about it.

UNABLE to lose weight - Please HELP! : loseit

My budget comes to a total of R$1364, but it's just that - a budget. I actually spend less but I know I need a minimum of that while working and to substitute chinese for food when I'm not working. This way, my emergency fund is R$1500/month. My current net worth is about R$60. 500 with R$3000 as emergency fund, 77% of investments in ETFs and 23% in government bonds. I'm 100% invested in the brazilian market. I know I should have more in emergency fund and I did, but I couldn't resist investing part of it, as even though my portfolio went down R$8000 due to COVID hitting brazilian economy, I believe it will recover and I wanted to buy investments at a lower price. If fired from my job, unemployment benefits plus severance package will last me minimum of 6 months. I signed up for the annual withdrawal of the FGTS because it's going to be my new emergency fund. This way, I gain liquidity and I can dedicate my money to investing. I don't really know how to find or calculate an analysis of the brazilian market vs. inflation like the trinity study did for the US but if I'm going by that with a 50% savings rate and target 3% SWR, I'd need at least R$620.

We entered a fairly stable period. A house, two kids, he had a good job & I was a SAHM. Then one night he went out for a jog around 7 or 8pm & didn't come home until 2am. He'd been on his way back from his jog & the 24 year old woman down the street & her friend invited him in for a drink & he ended up getting drunk, throwing up in her sink & stumbling home. Around this same time I started trying to have important conversations with him & if I'd get emotional, usually due to his stonewalling, he'd call me crazy. This was really painful since I'd struggled with depression in the past. I would tell him how much it bothered me but he just couldn't seem to stop himself. Around 2013 he lost his job as a youth pastor, his bosses accused him of time theft. He started working at a cafe, but was perfectly happy working 25 hours a week & we were barely making ends meet. After that, I noticed an increase in angry outbursts. Over the past 6-7 years he's put holes in 3 doors, broken the glass stovetop by banging down a cast iron pan, stabbed a knife in the countertop 2-3 times & once he took a hammer to the basement hallway when he was mad.

Getting more desperate, I sought the help from a nutritionist from my DR. office (private). Saw her for over 6 months. She said that my eating is almost perfect and tweaked only a few things and tried to add things to speed up my metabolism (she believed my metabolism was slower than normal). During this time I added a spinning class to my weekly routine (1x/week) and a hot barre class (1x/week) + usual gym (running on treadmill + elliptical 3x/week). Nothing worked. October 2019 - February 2020: 160-165 pounds. Despite working out hardcore and eating well (logging calories) and trying to destress, drink enough water and get enough sleep, I continued to gain weight. I ended up trying fad diets (i. e: the water diet where I didn't eat anything for a week and just drank cayenne water. Obviously I knew this wouldn't work but I was desperate - I lost 20 pounds and gained it back within a week lol). I also signed up for NOOM. This did not work whatsoever. March 2020: Start of COVID lockdown for us.

I've just made a comment on another thread here where I mentioned a BBC documentary on sugaring from a couple of years ago that also had an interview with Brandon Wade (he doesn't come across at all well).

And then when I finally see them I'm like, oh, I'm actually doing this? Oh well. " "I don't know, I'm not completely used to it but, I'm getting used to it kind of thing. " "It's quite nerve wracking, especially when you know it's the next stop. " ['Penny' gets off the train] "I've never been to this train station, I don't know what I'm doing. Or even the city, like, I don't know what I'm doing with my life. So, yeah, I kinda have a mini breakdown in my head. But I know that my student loan isn't going to get any bigger. I doubt I'm gonna get a good job where they pay really well so I'm just going to carry on doing it. " It's not all sparkles and unicorns being an SB. Also, do be aware that while SBs may always be presenting the best possible version of themselves, for some of them - such as 'Penny' - what is going on outside of the SR may be very different.

Not to mention he'd undermine my parenting, wouldn't back me up & made me the annoying, naggy mom while he was the fun dad. Another big aspect I haven't mentioned yet is that I didn't have my licence. He didn't prevent me from getting it, but he wasn't keen to teach me & the couple of times he took me out driving, he made me feel on edge & it just never went anywhere. At the time I had no friends & no real family to teach me, so I gave up trying. Not having a licence has impeded my life in so many ways & I'm not sure it was on purpose but it definitely was a type of control over me. Beginning of this year I just really felt like I'd had it. I had asked 6 months prior for him to take over the household bills & just try to step it up, because I felt like I was drowning & might have a heart attack for something. I was starting to have some health problems that I felt stress was playing a part in. He didn't do anything that I'd asked. I know I'm not the easiest to live with... I get anxious when there is too much clutter, I'm a sensitive & emotional person who needs a lot of support, but I've never cheated or thought about cheating, ever called him a single name or tried to make him feel small.

It's also customary for companies to pay or subsidize transport and health insurance. Most companies also provide you a card, recharged monthly with a fixed amount, for groceries or eating at restaurants. With context out of the way, I'll move on to my earnings. After college, in 2015, I got a job earning minimum wage, after taxes and other deductions, and worked there for slightly over 4 years with nothing beyond the annual corrections required by our union. Early last year, rejected company's offer to promote me with a 25% salary increase and accepted an offer with a competitor for 40% more and better benefits. Which still isn't much as I earned R$23, 683 in 2019 after taxes and the usual deductions. It'll be, at minimum, R$6000 more for 2020 due to a mixture of company bonuses, 22% salary increase this month and receiving this year's% of my FTGS that I signed up for. With the salary increase this month, my new annual earnings (salary, company bonus, 13th salary, vacation, FGTS) will come to an estimate R$34.

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