Cada película tiene su público y el crítico no tiene que imponer su criterio, sino ser capaz de revelar cada película al público que va dirigida. Y eso no lo hace nadie de esta página. Salvo, curiosamente, la peor valorada. Porque Never Say Never es una película para NIÑOS. Los niños nada saben de estética cinematográfica, de narración, de guión, ni de nada. Los niños ven las películas por lo que cuentan. Y esta trata de un niño que con su esfuerzo y sus sueños consiguió convertirse en una celebridad. Justin Bieber puede caer mal, pero está ahí por méritos propios. Su madre trabajaron duramente en trabajos poco remunerados para que su hijo tuviera una buena educación. No llegó y besó el santo, sino que fracasó varias veces y sus videos estuvieron anonimamente colgados en YouTube hasta que un cazatalentos lo descubrió. Y después ha ido creciendo en discográficas que no están entre las más grandes de su país y que gran parte de su catálogo no es tan comercial como el de Sony BMG y otras grandes.

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Info: The dark untold story of Steins;Gate that leads with the eccentric mad scientist Okabe, struggling to recover from a failed attempt at rescuing Kurisu. He decides to give up and abandons his lively scientist alter ego, in pursuit to forget the past. When all seems to be normal, he is seemingly pulled back into the past by meeting an acquaintance of Kurisu, who tells him that they have begun testing a device that stores the memory of a human and creates a simulation of them with their characteristics and personalities. Okabe begins testing and finds out that the simulation of Kurisu has brought back anguish and some new unexpected tragedies. Zero is a side story that explores events from the Beta Attractor Field's future that contribute in making the end of the original story possible. Genres: Sci-fi Thriller

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Non mais c'est tout simplement impossible de doubler correctement jojo's en Francais. Regarde en vostfr, c'est quoi le problème? Le 06 juillet 2015 à 23:04:48 collax a écrit: Non mais c'est tout simplement impossible de doubler correctement jojo's en Francais. Regarde en vostfr, c'est quoi le problème? Je ne parle pas japonais et je trouve que lire les sous-titres n'apporte pas une compréhension "naturelle" des dialogues, je préfère comprendre les dialogues en les entendant. Le 06 juillet 2015 à 23:10:04 Simiabraz647 a écrit: Le 06 juillet 2015 à 23:04:48 collax a écrit: Le 06 juillet 2015 à 22:56:24 CompteSecours2 a écrit: Le 06 juillet 2015 à 23:11:28 Clab a écrit: Le 06 juillet 2015 à 23:10:04 Simiabraz647 a écrit: Le 06 juillet 2015 à 23:04:48 collax a écrit: Non mais c'est tout simplement impossible de doubler correctement jojo's en Francais. Regarde en vostfr, c'est quoi le problème? Je ne parle pas japonais et je trouve que lire les sous-titres n'apporte pas une compréhension "naturelle" des dialogues, je préfère comprendre les dialogues en les entendant.

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'Serrano is really good. But Iberico is completely different: it has eaten acorns and been treated like a king. ' The less fancy Serrano, however, still represents great value for money, considering its shelf- life. The packaging of the ones we tested suggest they'll last from 21 days to three months once open. But what do they taste like? Can budget ones really be delicious? Nieves Barragan Mohacho, a Spanish chef who has held a Michelin star and runs the Sabor restaurant in London, says that people shouldn't be snobbish. 'Not everyone can afford £300 for a leg of Iberico. My mother in Spain buys Serrano, ' she adds. 'It doesn't mean it's poor quality — it's just different. 'And slicing a piece off a leg is so much nicer than the Serrano pre-sliced ham, which I always think tastes of plastic. ' Here, the Mail tries six leading Serrano hams on the market this Christmas to discover which brings home the bacon — and which fails to cut the mustard... Deluxe Jamon Serrano, Lidl Price: £24.

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Amy Pond finds herself shoulder to shoulder with Vincent Van Gogh, in a battle with a deadly alien. S5 E11 The Lodger HD 5. 1 CC PG Mild science fiction themes, Violence, Some scary scenes There's a house on Aickman road, and a staircase that people go up, but never down. To solve the mystery of the man upstairs, the Doctor must pass himself off as a perfectly normal human being and share a flat with Craig Owens. S5 E12 The Pandorica Opens HD 5. 1 CC PG Mild science fiction themes, Violence, Some scary scenes The Doctor's friends unite to send him a terrible warning; the Pandorica - which is said to contain the most feared being in all the cosmos - is opening. But what's inside, and can the Doctor stop it? S5 E13 The Big Bang HD 5. 1 CC PG Mild science fiction themes, Violence, Some scary scenes The Doctor is gone, the Tardis has been destroyed, and the universe is collapsing. The only hope for all of reality, is a little girl who still believes in stars. Cast Jodie Whittaker Peter Capaldi Matt Smith David Tennant Christopher Eccleston Paul McGann Genres Sci-Fi Adventure Mystery Family Drama Features High Definition (HD) 5.