Too bad Ilayda is a snake. Can you plz put episode 9 plzzz it was deleted😭😭 Appreciate ur help 🇯🇲 I love scene 1:11:38 with the glasses and licking their lips Which is that song played at 1:24:20? Maitreyee Nayagaonkar Bana Öyle Bakma by Teoman Where is episode 9 with subtitles???? Help @Ranou Sha yes Dailymotion Rahela Vhora did you find it? This episode was BOMB!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I WATCHED IT 2 TIMES ALREADY AND ITS STILL NOT ENOUGH FOR ME. LOOOL *I wrote you too nuri* 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 ded The judge was havin too much fun😂 Hakan!!! Wtf did he do to his hair! 😂😂😂😂 Dua Fatima I like his new hair better tbh BARIS LOOKED SO HANDOSME IN THIS EPISODE LIKE HOLY SHITTTTTT...... BEING THAT HANDSOME SHOULD BE ILLEGAL! 🙌😝🙈😘🙏 Well said😉👏👏👏 Did anyone else notice that asli and baris were twinning? *wink wink* How many episodes does this series contain??? Baris looks super gorgeous with that robe Gosh just take that law school again.... Baris will still love her anyway Honestly, so thankful to you for the English Subtitles.

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Posted on: 2017-09-24T12:20:35 oh la vache! bip bip richie c'est Seth Green! je l'avais meme pas reconnu lol Posted on: 2017-09-24T00:17:52 La 1ère partie du téléfilm est excellente et en ce qui me concerne, je trouve qu'elle surpasse celle du film. En fait, c'est la 2ième partie qui est naze et fait qu'on reste sur une mauvaise impression. Posted on: 2017-09-23T06:51:22 Très mauvais par rapport au remake. L'année y fait aussi mais franchement le remake est un chef d'oeuvre comparer a ce téléfilm narnardesque. Posted on: 2017-09-22T18:22:45 Revu il y a peux (et il le repasser ce soir sur HD1)! "Ça" Il est revenu... c'est quand même hyper kitsch tout ca ^^. Ensuite, oui je sais, il date énormément, mais même pour l'époque, j'ai jamais eu peur. L'intrigue me fasciner (et Le Clown), mais le ujours eu du mal. Bon faut dire, déja gamin je regarder X-Files, du coup la série était plus du bisounours pour moi, sorry. ^^ Posted on: 2017-09-21T21:02:00 Cette première adaptation est un vrai régal.

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They show some variation towards more evolved compositions, as suggested by the variation in incompatible elements. Show More Sentences Examples from Classical Literature But the freedom is not incompatible with the predestination, nor the predestination with the freedom. It was answered that these positions and his arguments addressed to the academic question were irreconcilable and incompatible. Nevertheless, certain of Weishaupt's doctrines are not incompatible with the principles of Orthodox Judaism. It is not incompatible but actually favourable to the pursuits of parliament. But he struggled to fuse it with social realism, with which it is radically incompatible. They found the Talmudical restrictions incompatible with their hereditary and unquenched thirst for liberty. It is, however, incompatible with group marriage, which we are now dealing with. Lincoln confessed at the outset of life that he was going to avoid society, as its frequentation was incompatible with study. Trunnions and all impinging influences are incompatible with correctness of fire.

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