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Jarrett hauls a large, creepy taxidermy load when he is stopped by law enforcement for transporting stolen property. E 3 Geometrically Challenged on Dec 19, 2012 Jennifer picks up a small racing boat in California and has a series of bad experiences that brings her to tears before she even crosses the state line. Jarrett digs himself into a financial hole after some bad measurements. E 4 Return to Send-Arrrggghhh! Chris and Robbie play Robin Hood when delivering some faulty children's toys back to the manufacturer. Roy shows off his daredevil skills and then must fight through a knee injury to deliver a cumbersome, human sized wooden hamster wheel. E 5 The Carney Code on Dec 26, 2012 Jarrett questions his ability to ship a very rare electric sports car cross country alongside a precariously-placed hunk of metal. Marc's attention to safety brings his run to a screeching halt when he finds the trailers he's hauling are a serious road hazard. E 6 Frankenship Horrors on Jan 09, 2013 Chris and Robbie win a creepy load of horror memorabilia but the real scare comes when the cargo is twice as big as they agreed on.

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Número de Identificación del proyecto: TSI-090100-2011-23 Título del proyecto: "Cultura + i: Desarrollo de plataformas, herramientas y sistemas para el consumo de contenido cultural" Proyecto cofinanciado por el Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio, dentro del Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2008-2011. Subprograma: Contenidos Digitales © 2020

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