SensaCine Nota películas 'Bloodshot', la película de superhéroes con Vin Diesel, adelanta su estreno en cines al 6 de marzo Por Santiago Gimeno — 27 feb. 2020 a las 10:05 El filme de Dave Wilson basado en los cómics de Valiant también cuenta con Sam Heughan, Eiza González y Guy Pearce, entre otros. Bloodshot, la película de superhéroes con Vin Diesel ( Fast & Furious) basada en los cómics de Valiant, se estrenará finalmente en los cines españoles el 6 de marzo. El filme, dirigido por Dave Wilson ( Love, Death & Robots), también cuenta en su reparto con Sam Heughan ( Outlander), Eiza González ( Alita: Ángel de combate), Guy Pearce ( Memento) y Toby Kebbell ( El amanecer del planeta de los simios). Con guion de Jeff Wadlow ( Fantasy Island) y Eric Heisserer ( La llegada), el largo gira en torno a Ray Garrison ( Vin Diesel), un soldado caído recientemente en combate y resucitado después por la corporación Rising Spirit Technologies (RST) como el superhéroe Bloodshot, una máquina de matar biotecnológica que, gracias a un ejército de nanotecnología que corre por sus venas, tiene la habilidad de aumentar su fuerza, sus reflejos y su capacidad de cicatrización.

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Season 3, Episode 8 Miranda & Cameryn June 25, 2014 Season 3, Episode 8 June 25, 2014 A woman searches for answers about a man she met online. Season 3, Episode 9 Jeff & Megan July 2, 2014 Season 3, Episode 9 July 2, 2014 Red flags make a man question his relationship with a woman he met online. Season 3, Episode 10 Bianca & Brogan July 9, 2014 Season 3, Episode 10 July 9, 2014 A mysterious disappearance occurs online. 25 Best Shows of the Year These shows were our lifeline this year Discover Now! Renewed or Canceled? Which of your favorite shows got the ax? My News Sign up and add shows to get the latest updates about your favorite shows - Start Now

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This subreddit is dedicated to the Hulu Original series 11. 22. 63 based off of the novel, 11/22/63 by Stephen King. The series is executive produced by J. J. Abrams, Stephen King, Bridget Carpenter and Bryan Burk, and it will star James Franco. A teacher (Franco) is presented with the chance to travel back in time to 1960 and attempts to prevent the assassination of JFK, and becomes attached to the life he makes in the past.

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Dramma Thriller Frank Morris, reo di molte fughe dalle carceri statunitensi, viene trasferito al penitenziario di Alcatraz, famoso per le condizioni che vi rendevano impossibile le evasioni. Benchè di carattere chiuso, Morris fa alcune amicizie: Doc, il pittore timido che si taglia le dita di una mano quando gli tolgono il permesso di pitturare; Litmus, un italiano; il negro English che apprezza il nuovo arrivato e lo protegge, Charley, l'indeciso che non giungerà all'appuntamento della fuga. Frank, inoltre, ben presto dovrà rilevare la durezza del carcere speciale e la disumanità del suo direttore. Quando al penitenziario pervengono i fratelli Clarence e John Anglin, già conosciuti altrove, Morris si decide e propone un piano di fuga che viene minuziosamente realizzato. Direttore: Don Siegel Scrittore: Richard Tuggle Distributore: Paramount, Malpaso Productions Nazionalità: United States of America Sottotitoli: Inglese, Spagnolo, Francese, Italiano, Olandese & Tedesco Guarda i film in piena iscrizione online.

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Suite très attendue du film culte de Ridley Scott, Blade Runner 2049, diffusée ce soir sur France 2, a vu son tournage endeuillé par un terrible accident... A l'automne 2017 sort sur les écrans Blade Runner 2049, suite par Denis Villeneuve ( Sicario, Dune en 2020... ) du drame SF culte de Ridley Scott sorti 35 ans plus tôt, en 1982. Emmené par Ryan Gosling, marqué par le retour d' Harrison Ford et la révélation Ana de Armas, le film séduit à l'époque plus d'un million de spectateurs en salles dans l'Hexagone. Il n'en divise pas moins la critique, notamment celle de la rédaction de Télé-Loisirs. Surtout, on apprend quelques mois plus tôt qu'un terrible accident mortel est survenu sur le tournage du long-métrage en Hongrie. Mort d'un technicien de 28 ans Le 25 août 2016, alors que l'équipe du film se trouvait à Budapest, un accident mortel s'est produit. Un technicien de 28 ans a trouvé la mort pendant le démontage du décor sur le plateau. Alors qu'il travaillait sous une plateforme maintenant une lourde charge, le jeune homme (dont l'identité ne fut pas dévoilée) a été surpris par l'effondrement de l'installation, dans le studio Origo, rapporte le site hongrois Index.

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The rest is all hugs, tears and wrenching confessions, set to a meticulously curated soundtrack. Yet the film also dares us to write Mr. Robbins off as a huckster-genius; dipping behind the scenes, it exposes the intensive planning and detailed post-mortems that accompany each daily session. In those moments, we see a man who genuinely seems to care, zeroing in on at-risk souls and following up with money and referrals. But by restricting himself to showing how well Mr. Robbins does his job, Mr. Berlinger mainly reveals how narrowly he has done his own. "Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru" opens Wednesday at IFC Center in Manhattan; on Friday it begins streaming on Netflix and opens in theaters nationally. It is not rated. Running time: 1 hour 54 minutes.

Visual tier chart I made this before realizing images aren't allowed on this sub:( Here it is anyways. Each tier is categorized in descending order: leftmost/topmost is the best in its tier. I've also added a [FAMILY FRIENDLY] tag i. e. anime with minimal to none sexual themes and nudity. I've also added [NSFW] tag for anime which you shouldn't watch in public as they frequently feature sexual themes/nudity/basically things you wouldn't want your family/peers to see. 10: Mixed bag #1 Initial D: a love letter to Japanese street racing culture, and every kid who had car posters in their room. Eurobeat is pure hype! Seeing your favorite car in this anime is pure hype! Little Witch Academia: a lighthearted magical fantasy. Sit back and enjoy this one. [FAMILY FRIENDLY] Hinamatsuri: a lesson in human values disguised in a hilarious package. [1st episode features nudity; otherwise FAMILY FRIENDLY] Spice and Wolf: action adventure romance where the MCs aren't retarded. Features a travelling salesman (spice), a demigod (wolf), and their well written banter.