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Hey guys, here's thread 13! Just so you guys know, I did NOT choose these myself. We went through a nomination phase where the community added everything themselves. If you would like to add your own that are not included here, check out the wild card thread. The chart today has the following: The left column is a short 'description' created by me to describe the scene. The middle column is the episode the show is from out of how many episodes the series is, along with a link to a legal streaming site (either Crunchyroll or Funimation) with the scene in there, if there is one available. If I know how far it is into the episode, I'll add that as well. The one on the right is the name of the anime with a link to the anime's MAL page. Click the name of the category to go to the poll. SINCE I AM INCLUDING LINKS TO THE EPISODES RATHER THAN THE SCENES, EXPECT SPOILERS IN THE VIDEOS. Here's the poll and chart! You can vote for up to 5 today. Making the poll was a little tricky, but I decided to include just the anime name and the episode.

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El fracaso es huérfano La cura metahumana está lista, Barry y el equipo deben calmar a Cicada el tiempo suficiente para poder ponérsela. Killer Frost les ayudará. La bomba humana Barry adquiere la capacidad de moverse a velocidad sobrehumana tras recibir el impacto de un rayo. El dios veloz El equipo Flash no está seguro de que puedan confiar en Nora, por lo que revisan su diario para descubrir exactamente cómo llegó a trabajar junto a su mejor némesis. Episodio 19 Barry adquiere la capacidad de moverse a velocidad sobrehumana tras recibir el impacto de un rayo. Episodio 20 Barry continúa luchando con lo que siente por la traición de Nora. Brie Larvan, Joss Jackam y Peter Merkel regresan a Central City. Mientras tanto, Cisco toma una decisión audaz. La chica del rayo rojo El equipo Flash está en alerta máxima después de que Cicada amenazase con desencadenar un virus que pondría en peligro a todos los metahumanos. Legado Barry se enfrenta a su némesis más antigua y formidable, Flash Reverso.

La guerre des trônes, la véritable Histoire de l'Europe retrace l'épopée de ces dynasties rivales qui ont écrit la grande histoire de l'Europe. Du règne d'Henri II à celui d'Elisabeth 1ère, des choix de Mary Stuart à la conversion d'Henri de Navarre futur roi Henri IV, du rôle de Catherine de Médicis aux intrigues de la famille De Guise… L'Europe s'embrase de nouveaux sur fond de guerres de religion, les appétits des puissants les poussent à s'allier contre leurs ennemis jurés et à renier des alliances, celles-ci à peine signées… Épisode 1 – Jeu de dames – 1542-1559 Au milieu de la Renaissance, le fils du roi François 1er fait trembler l'Europe. Le roi de France Henri II s'arroge les droits sur la couronne d'Écosse en fiançant la toute jeune reine Mary Stuart, 5 ans, à son fils héritier, le futur François II. Avec son plus fidèle lieutenant, le duc de Guise, Henri II reprend la ville de Calais aux mains des Anglais ainsi que sa revanche sur son ennemi de toujours: Charles Quint. Mais bientôt l'abdication de l'empereur du Saint Empire Romain Germanique en faveur de son fils, Philippe II d'Espagne, va redistribuer les cartes… Personnages: Henri II (Roi de France / catholique) • Mary Stuart (Reine d'Écosse / catholique) • Marie Tudor (Reine d'Angleterre / catholique) • Charles Quint (Empereur du Saint empire Romain Germanique / catholique) • Philippe II (Roi d'Espagne / catholique) • François de Guise (lieutenant général du royaume de France / catholique) • Amiral de Coligny (catholique) Épisode 2 – Au nom de dieu – 1559-1561 La montée du protestantisme divise l'Europe.

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Defeated, Kijana and Dogo are led by Bunga back to their mother, who takes the pack back to their home in the Outlands. Back in the Outlands, Kijana and Dogo practice separating young animals from the herd on their father, Goigoi. They do so well that Reirei decides to return to the Pride Lands. Once there, the jackals learn that Bunga is babysitting a group of young animals, and Reirei decides to lead her pups to the young animals while Goigoi distracts the Lion Guard. Once at Hakuna Matata Falls, Kijana and her family attack the young animals. However, with the help of Bunga, the children are able to defeat the jackals, and they are forced to retreat once more to the Outlands. " Battle for the Pride Lands " Kijana and her brothers defend the Outlands from the attacking Pride Landers. However, they are stopped by Shujaa, who throws a rock at them. After the battle, Jasiri is named the queen of the Outlands, and the jackals submit to her authority. Physical appearance Kijana is a small, compact jackal with large ears and thin legs.

Castlevania Season 2 Episode 1 (S02E01) Links Watch Castlevania Season 2 Episode 1 Online. Best and Free Online streaming for Castlevania TV Show. We picked the best sites to stream s02e01. Simply pick a site below and click "Watch Now! " button next to it. Some of the links may be broken, please upvote the working and good links so other users see those links for Castlevania Season 2 Episode 1 s02e01 at the top of the list. Could not find a stream link for Castlevania Season 2 Episode 1 It's aired October 26, 2018 but it takes time to convert the episode to get notified when it is released Follow

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"The circle on the wall [which is clear chalkboard paint] was a graphic, sophisticated way to add playfulness. Wicker animal heads make it fun, and the neutral tones keep it from being too 'day-care. '" Woven taxidermy heads, $40 each, and gray woven storage basket, $24,. Play table, $375, and stools, $98 each,. Chalkboard paint, $10,. 6 of 10 Shop Vintage Be smart about what you choose at flea markets and antique stores. "Good bones" matter. You can paint or re-cover secondhand furniture, but it's far harder to change basic structure, so be sure you like the original form. Pendant light, $525,. Marble table,. Wood tray, $35, and candlesticks, $15 and up,. Hanging string art,. 7 of 10 Mix His and Hers Combine hard "masculine" and soft "feminine" shapes (think square or rectangular vs. circular or oval). Remember, it's always easier to layer "feminine" items (like floral pillows) on masculine furniture (such as a clean-lined sofa) rather than the other way around. Wood-and-brass lamp, $40, and blue bud vase, $8,.

On peut légitimement critiquer quelques dialogues un peu emphatiques, une réalisation peu à l'aise avec les scènes nécessitant un nombre important de figurants ainsi qu'une Mercédès un peu... Lire la critique de Le comte de Monte-Cristo Critique de Le comte de Monte-Cristo par AMCHI J'ai découvert cette adaptation du Le Comte de Monte-Cristo après avoir vu celle avec Depardieu et en comparaison celle-ci semble moins grandiose. Il n'en reste pas moins un beau feuilleton à voir si vous en avez l'occasion. Lire l'avis à propos de Le comte de Monte-Cristo La plus fidèle adaptation sans âme Je viens de lire les 4 tomes de Monte Cristo. Chef d'oeuvre total. Derrière, je regarde la version de 1961 avec Louis Jourdan, vieillerie aussi réjouissante que consternante. L'histoire est salopée, le caractère des personnages oubliés. Bref, open bar. Alors voir ce Monte Cristo qui inclut toutes les sous intrigues, les personnages secondaires généralement oubliés, ça faisait bizarre.... Critique de Le comte de Monte-Cristo par turandot Je garde un bon souvenir de ce feuilleton.

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Afghanistan War Concludes The Anglo-Afghan War has concluded with a peace. Afghanistan is now permitted to conduct its own policy, and can no longer be considered a puppet or protectorate state of the British. Kuwait and Iraq After negotiations with Iraqi leadership, Kuwait has agreed to join the Iraqi federation. The Balfour Declaration His Majesty's government concedes that mistakes have been made in regards to previous statements concerning the Balfour Declaration, which called for the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. The government is now taking steps to correct this error, and to work out a more favourable solution to those involved. But until such time, which will come, the government can offer no concrete statement. The British government has flip-flopped on the Balfour Declaration and now come to a point of indecision in the middle: not committing to either side and attempting to stall. For the Zionist movement, this is yet another sign that the British are failing to back their promised homeland, and Zionist leadership are working hard to ensure that their homeland is secured.

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